Total Medals Earned: 2,924 (From
348 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 35,660 Points
Combine 60 elements to advance civilization and your card collection!
Unlock half the category groups.
Discover all elements.
You are downloading RAM
Have a faster download speed than the dev
Buy another PC
Repair a PC
Complete PC repair 3
Automate the basic stuff
Buy your first supercomputer
Unlock the tree fertilizer
Complete PC repair 6
End inflation
Unlock all auto repairs
Make PC prices drop to 0
Gain 1e60 PCs without ever buying any CPU and PC Upgrades.
Gain 1e60 PCs without completing PC repair 2
Unlock the black hole
Complete SC Repair 3
Begin harvesting stars
Max out the black hole duration
Max out both wormholes and harvest speed
Purchase Planetarium Upgrade 6
You beat the game.
You didn't like the music!
You got Pico dressed, well done!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Reach $1K
Reach $30K
Reach $1M
Reach 1Km depth
Reach 2.5Km depth
Reach 4Km depth
Reach 8Km depth
Reach 11Km depth
Reach 12Km depth
Reach 50Km depth
Craft 50 items
Craft 500 items
Craft 5000 items
Use 10 items
Use 25 items
Use 100 items
Forge 50 ores
Forge 500 ores
Forge 5000 ores
Forge 500 alloys
Cut 3 gems
Cut 10 gems
Cut 50 gems
Complete 20 researches
Complete 40 researches
Complete 78 researches
Complete 10 contracts
Complete 20 contracts
Complete 50 contracts
Make $1000 from auction
Make $50000 from auction
Complete 1 museum sets
Complete 4 museum sets
Complete 7 museum sets
Recycle 50 items
Recycle 250 items
Recycle 1000 items
Harvest 10 flowers
Harvest 10 plants.
Harvest 100 plants
Water plant 1000 times
Reincarnate once
Collect 10 Drillioncoin
Collect 100 Drillioncoin
Boost drill part 10 times
Boost drill part 50 times
Reach drill speed of 25 dps
Reach drill speed of 50 dps
Reach drill speed of 100 dps
Travel to new place
Buy a burger stand
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Nice one!
Play the game. This one's a freebie, just for naming conventions.
Visit the ? screen. Here's some extra help: Remaining descriptions will be hints to unlock that medal (or complete nonsense if you didn't read this first).
Break a heart with minimal effort.
2 close friends.
Uppercut is just a punch but vertical.
Katana is just a punch but longer.
Looks like a ring post to me.
High-five the air. Follow the motion your hand makes. Stop complaining, there are only so many shapes you can make with 3 squares.
Draw the smallest gun.
They call me Hadouken because I'm down right fierce.
See last hint. Might need to get somebody who plays Street Fighter to help you.
Laser is just a sword but longer.
This is wrestling, not boxing.
Make a leg. Also Tetris.
Make the other leg. Also Tetris.
Tetris (and yes, that is the worst possible name I could've given this one, thanks for noticing).
See previous SF ones... but also Tetris.
Aaaand Tetris.
Glad we're past that. Anyway, I couldn't think of anything better so Tetris +1.
This tribute will put a smile on Betty's face (if she ever smiled).
5 with 5
T for Tankmen. Could also be construed as a cock and balls which is equally relevant to that particular series.
Let's move teatime back a bit.
Let's move teatime forward.
Screw teatime.
Building bridges.
Plus size.
Make a boomerang. Do it for all four orientations to save me writing hints for the rest.
Kind of looks like a hockey stick. I think you get the idea by now, hints will continue later.
Also looks like a golf club, I suppose.
Tetris +1
Resembles an allen wrench, appropriately enough (not that I could be arsed doing an actual animatronic). Anyway, Tetris +1.
Tetris +1
Complete the antennae for the other birthday boy. Never mind, Tetris +1.
Tetris +1
Kind of looks like a meat cleaver. Whatever, Tetris +1.
Kind of looks like an anvil. Whatever, Tetris +1.
Kind of looks like a bomb. Whatever, Tetris +1.
Kind of looks like a knife. Like if you break the top off the blade. Alright, I'll stop now, Tetris +1.
Tetris +1
Tetris +1
Tetris +1
Tetris +1
Tetris+1 (also resembles a nightstick)
Tetris +1
Tetris +1
HYPER COMBO FINISH!! I mean Tetris +1.
Tetris +1
As I'm writing this, there are four days left in the game jam. Although that is probably enough time to do every six heart configuration, I'd rather give some actual hints instead of a load of Tetris +2s. Just do a rectangle for now and we'll see how it goes.
Rotate the rectangle.
On second thought, just make it bigger. No, that's too big.
♪ (music note if that doesn't display for whatever reason)
Flip it. (Ring bell goes ding so still works.)
Looks like a worm. No, not just a regular one.
Or just flip the music note again.
The appropriate symbol didn't fit so we had to rotate it.
Same again but exactly the opposite.
Didn't even touch you, cry baby.
Clue's in the name.
Flip it.
Make a landmine.
Flip it.
Draw a heart. No, not that kind. Keep going, one will appear eventually.
Flip it.
...and again.
Once more.
Make Mjölnir.
Flip it.
Slap a rock on that ring.
Flip it (guess it didn't work out).
Dig a grave.
Flip it. While disrespectful, it kind of makes sense if you think about it. Also looks like a wee man with a big head, again, fittingly enough.
Boil an egg.
Reminds me of an AT-AT appropriately enough.
Also looks like a robot dog, appropriately enough. Although, I suppose that's what it is.
Building bigger bridges.
Bigger box.
Wider smile.
Give them nothing, but take from them everything!
Break rule established by all previous medals when aiming 4 this one.
Hope that doesn't bother you, snowflake. (actually looks more like my ex)
Elsa and now Spider-Man. We're on that part of the web again.
There is one more way to kill a man, but it is as intricate and precise as a well-played game of chess.
Hit five hearts without activating any of the previous moves.
Hit four hearts without activating any of the previous moves. Great one to end on. You can see where I was going with this but medals have now maxed out so that's all, folks.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!